Exercises with Clare
$4 Pay as you go or 10 classes for $30 Classes are also available on Zoom !! Cost is $2 per class You must register and prepay at the Caledon Seniors Centre. You will receive an email each day with the link to join the class Call the Centre at 905-951-6114 for more information.
Chair Yoga with Clare
Instructed by Clare Gorman In-person: $4 drop-in fee or 10 consecutive classes for $30 Classes are also on Zoom classes. Must be pre-registered. Zoom link will be emailed each week. $2 Zoom fee applies. Please bring a yoga mat and Theraband.
Tai Chi
Drop-in Fee $4
Line Dancing
Line Dancing 11:05 am to 12:05 pm Instructor: Hope Bell Young Meet in the Beverley Nurden Room Cost: $8 per class
Zumba Gold
Zumba Gold Classes Instructed by Soraya Enjoy a great fun, dance workout! $4 drop-in fee per class OR 10 classes for $30 prepaid