Active Living Fair
Experience an event dedicated to health, and wellness and services for the Older Adult.
Enjoy a free lunch, and entertainment
Variety of local exhibitors
Guest speakers
Program demonstrations
Prizes, and lots more
Call the Centre to register at 905-951-6114
South Asian Seniors Social
Starts Thursday, January 23, 2025
Location: Caledon East Community Complex, Hall A
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Cost: $4 drop-in fee
Join us for a warm & welcoming environment where you feel at home while being active and social!
Games – Karam Board, Ludo, Cards
Music, Activities & Stretching Exercises
Snacks & Chai Included
Seniors Exercise Classes
Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!
Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class