Programs & Activities

The Caledon Senior Centre is proud to offer a wide range of both active and relaxed activities suitable for members of various interests and abilities. If you are interested in teaching classes of your favourite hobby let us know. Or if you would like to see a certain activity added we will find out if others are interested and arrange for someone to lead the program. Some of the activities we offer are:

  • Bingo
  • Shuffleboard
  • Ladder ball
  • Puzzles/Games
  • Book Club
  • Computer Courses
  • Singing Group
  • Dance Classes
  • Cards
  • Golf
  • Tai Chi/Qi Gong
  • Guest Speakers
  • Crafts, Art/Woodcarving
  • Dinner/Dancing
  • Bocce/Table Tennis
  • Special Entertainment
  • Fitness Class/Yoga
  • Language Lessons

To review all available events, activities, and programs – click on SHOW FILTERS at the top left of the Calendar. Once you expand this panel, you can scroll through the categories list with your mouse and select specifics on what you are looking for.

Please note all in person events require a $4 drop in fee, unless otherwise specified (8 week programs etc). Contact the office for more details.

You must be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre in order to participate.

Show Filters



Reset Filters
< 2024 >
ThuFeb 0 1


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


ThuFeb 0 1

Seniors Exercise Classes

Margaret Dunn Valleywood
20 Snelcrest Dr, Caledon, ON L7C 1B5

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class


ThuFeb 0 1

Nordic Pole Walking Club

Head Office
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee

Enjoy walking outside around Bolton or in bad weather walk the track at the Wellness Centre.

Call:  905-951-6114




ThuFeb 0 1

Lunch & Learn - Intro to Ontario's Estate Administration Tax

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 11:00 AM at Rotary Place in Bolton.
Introduction to Ontario’s Estate Administration Tax
Presented by Jeremy Bertrand, Tax Advisory Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Finance

Join us for a session that will help you understand if Ontario’s Estate Administration
Tax might apply to your estate or an estate you are administering.

Followed by lunch – $7

For catering purposes, please call the Centre at 905-951-6114 to register.

FriFeb 0 2

Euchre Night

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee


FriFeb 0 2

Trickster Card Program - Oh Hell

Weekly organized Oh Hell card games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost:  $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Oh Hell Fridays in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

FriFeb 0 2

High Intensity Exercising with Soraya

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

A great workout and a lot of fun! High-Intensity Cardio and strength geared for Active Seniors.

Now in person and on ZOOM!
Fridays at 9:30 am to 10:30 am

$2 Zoom drop-in fee per class. Must be paid before attending class.
Entrance to Zoom room will be emailed each day of the event.

In-person classes are $4 per class or 10 consecutive classes for $30

You will need:

  • Water
  • A chair without arms
  • Resistance band/hand weights
  • Running Shoes
  • Caledon Seniors Centre Membership



Call:  905-951-6114


You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now) Membership is free.

FriFeb 0 2

Seniors Exercise Classes

15825 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1H4

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!


SatFeb 0 3

Saturday Night Social

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

This is program is on Saturday nights !

Location: At Rotary Place in Bolton
Drop-in fee $4, Bingo fee extra ($1 per card)

Welcome everybody 55 plus!
There’s going to be coffee, tea and snacks. Enjoy some cards, bingo, line dancing; Latin music and international music for your physical and mental health. Hope to see you all there!

MonFeb 0 5

Carpet Bowling

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4.00 Drop in Fee

If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!

Come out and we will teach you how to play!

MonFeb 0 5

Bid Euchre

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


MonFeb 0 5

Wood Carving

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee


MonFeb 0 5

Exercises / Lunch / Games

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Exercises with Sandy – 9:30 to 10:30 am — in-person only

Combination of table and active games before and after lunch

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4

New members are always welcome!


TueFeb 0 6

Trickster Card Program - Euchre

Organized weekly euchre games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost: $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Euchre in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

TueFeb 0 6


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


TueFeb 0 6

Oh Hell Card Game

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Learn & play Oh Hell card game.

Tuesdays at 1:00 pm

$4 Drop-in Fee


TueFeb 0 6

Table Tennis

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


TueFeb 0 6

Games & Lunch

Caledon Village
18313 Hurontario Street, Caledon Village, ON L7K 0X7

Games – 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Lunch served at 12:30 pm

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4 for activities


TueFeb 0 6

Beginner Tai Chi

Small group new to Tai Chi to learn the moves.

Drop-in fee $4


TueFeb 0 6

Dance For Fun

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Classes resume Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Line Dancing format
Latin, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue

Instructor: Faya

Cost: $5 per class

Meet in the Beverley Nurden Room.

WedFeb 0 7

Morning Games Bid Euchre/Wii Games/Rummy O

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


WedFeb 0 7

Knitting Group

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee

Bring your knitting projects or learn how.

WedFeb 0 7


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Available in-person or over the phone.

In-Person — $1 per card
Over the Phone — win virtual money or send in money to win real money

Call 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547 to join over the phone.

For more information, call the Centre at 905-951-6114

WedFeb 0 7

South Asian Social

Southfields Community. Centre
255 Dougall Avenue, Caledon, ON, L7C 3M7

Activities, snacks and games.


WedFeb 0 7

Exercises with Cheryl

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Seniors Fitness Exercise Class
Exercise classes that work on cardio, strength training, balance and stretching/flexibility.

$4 Pay as you go or 10 consecutive classes for $30
Also available on Zoom $2/class.

Please call the Centre to register for Zoom class. Link will be emailed the day of the class.



WedFeb 0 7

Homemade Jam & Song Circle

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Come bring your acoustic instrument and join the jam. Or come listen and sing!

$4 drop-in fee


WedFeb 0 7

Exercises with Sandy

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Senior exercises that include cardio, balance and flexibility.

Cost is $4 per class.

In Hall A.

ThuFeb 0 8


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


ThuFeb 0 8

Seniors Exercise Classes

Margaret Dunn Valleywood
20 Snelcrest Dr, Caledon, ON L7C 1B5

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class


ThuFeb 0 8

Nordic Pole Walking Club

Head Office
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee

Enjoy walking outside around Bolton or in bad weather walk the track at the Wellness Centre.

Call:  905-951-6114




ThuFeb 0 8

Lunch & Learn - Power of Aging

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 11:00 AM at Rotary Place in Bolton.

The Power of Aging
Sponsored by the Town of Caledon, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Join us at the free Power of Aging workshop and learn how to
protect your finances and be aware of frauds and scams.

Followed by a complimentary lunch

Free transportation available by Caledon Community Services.

Register early, limited spaces available.
Register on-line at or by calling 311

FriFeb 0 9

Euchre Night

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee


FriFeb 0 9

Trickster Card Program - Oh Hell

Weekly organized Oh Hell card games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost:  $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Oh Hell Fridays in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

FriFeb 0 9

High Intensity Exercising with Soraya

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

A great workout and a lot of fun! High-Intensity Cardio and strength geared for Active Seniors.

Now in person and on ZOOM!
Fridays at 9:30 am to 10:30 am

$2 Zoom drop-in fee per class. Must be paid before attending class.
Entrance to Zoom room will be emailed each day of the event.

In-person classes are $4 per class or 10 consecutive classes for $30

You will need:

  • Water
  • A chair without arms
  • Resistance band/hand weights
  • Running Shoes
  • Caledon Seniors Centre Membership



Call:  905-951-6114


You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now) Membership is free.

FriFeb 0 9

Seniors Exercise Classes

15825 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1H4

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!


SatFeb 1 0

Saturday Night Social

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

This is program is on Saturday nights !

Location: At Rotary Place in Bolton
Drop-in fee $4, Bingo fee extra ($1 per card)

Welcome everybody 55 plus!
There’s going to be coffee, tea and snacks. Enjoy some cards, bingo, line dancing; Latin music and international music for your physical and mental health. Hope to see you all there!

MonFeb 1 2

Carpet Bowling

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4.00 Drop in Fee

If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!

Come out and we will teach you how to play!

MonFeb 1 2

Bid Euchre

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


MonFeb 1 2

Wood Carving

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee


MonFeb 1 2

Exercises / Lunch / Games

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Exercises with Sandy – 9:30 to 10:30 am — in-person only

Combination of table and active games before and after lunch

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4

New members are always welcome!


TueFeb 1 3

Trickster Card Program - Euchre

Organized weekly euchre games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost: $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Euchre in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

TueFeb 1 3


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


TueFeb 1 3

Oh Hell Card Game

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Learn & play Oh Hell card game.

Tuesdays at 1:00 pm

$4 Drop-in Fee


TueFeb 1 3

Table Tennis

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


TueFeb 1 3

Games & Lunch

Caledon Village
18313 Hurontario Street, Caledon Village, ON L7K 0X7

Games – 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Lunch served at 12:30 pm

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4 for activities


TueFeb 1 3

Beginner Tai Chi

Small group new to Tai Chi to learn the moves.

Drop-in fee $4


TueFeb 1 3

Dance For Fun

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Classes resume Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Line Dancing format
Latin, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue

Instructor: Faya

Cost: $5 per class

Meet in the Beverley Nurden Room.

WedFeb 1 4

Morning Games Bid Euchre/Wii Games/Rummy O

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


WedFeb 1 4

Knitting Group

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee

Bring your knitting projects or learn how.

WedFeb 1 4


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Available in-person or over the phone.

In-Person — $1 per card
Over the Phone — win virtual money or send in money to win real money

Call 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547 to join over the phone.

For more information, call the Centre at 905-951-6114

WedFeb 1 4

South Asian Social

Southfields Community. Centre
255 Dougall Avenue, Caledon, ON, L7C 3M7

Activities, snacks and games.


WedFeb 1 4

Exercises with Cheryl

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Seniors Fitness Exercise Class
Exercise classes that work on cardio, strength training, balance and stretching/flexibility.

$4 Pay as you go or 10 consecutive classes for $30
Also available on Zoom $2/class.

Please call the Centre to register for Zoom class. Link will be emailed the day of the class.



WedFeb 1 4

Homemade Jam & Song Circle

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Come bring your acoustic instrument and join the jam. Or come listen and sing!

$4 drop-in fee


WedFeb 1 4

Exercises with Sandy

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Senior exercises that include cardio, balance and flexibility.

Cost is $4 per class.

In Hall A.

WedFeb 1 4

Special Lunch

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Wednesday February 14, 2024 – Special Lunch
Cost: $11

Menu: Peameal Bacon on a Bun, Coleslaw & Black Forest Cake

Pick-up: 11:30 am
Dine-in: served at 12:00 pm
Local delivery available for $2

Order deadline is Monday, February 12 at 3:30 pm.

Call the Centre at 905-951-6114 to order or you can order online!

ThuFeb 1 5


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


ThuFeb 1 5

Seniors Exercise Classes

Margaret Dunn Valleywood
20 Snelcrest Dr, Caledon, ON L7C 1B5

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class


ThuFeb 1 5

Nordic Pole Walking Club

Head Office
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee

Enjoy walking outside around Bolton or in bad weather walk the track at the Wellness Centre.

Call:  905-951-6114




FriFeb 1 6

Euchre Night

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee


FriFeb 1 6

Trickster Card Program - Oh Hell

Weekly organized Oh Hell card games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost:  $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Oh Hell Fridays in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

FriFeb 1 6

High Intensity Exercising with Soraya

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

A great workout and a lot of fun! High-Intensity Cardio and strength geared for Active Seniors.

Now in person and on ZOOM!
Fridays at 9:30 am to 10:30 am

$2 Zoom drop-in fee per class. Must be paid before attending class.
Entrance to Zoom room will be emailed each day of the event.

In-person classes are $4 per class or 10 consecutive classes for $30

You will need:

  • Water
  • A chair without arms
  • Resistance band/hand weights
  • Running Shoes
  • Caledon Seniors Centre Membership



Call:  905-951-6114


You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now) Membership is free.

FriFeb 1 6

Seniors Exercise Classes

15825 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1H4

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!


SatFeb 1 7

Saturday Night Social

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

This is program is on Saturday nights !

Location: At Rotary Place in Bolton
Drop-in fee $4, Bingo fee extra ($1 per card)

Welcome everybody 55 plus!
There’s going to be coffee, tea and snacks. Enjoy some cards, bingo, line dancing; Latin music and international music for your physical and mental health. Hope to see you all there!

MonFeb 1 9

Carpet Bowling

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4.00 Drop in Fee

If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!

Come out and we will teach you how to play!

MonFeb 1 9

Bid Euchre

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


MonFeb 1 9

Wood Carving

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee


MonFeb 1 9

Exercises / Lunch / Games

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Exercises with Sandy – 9:30 to 10:30 am — in-person only

Combination of table and active games before and after lunch

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4

New members are always welcome!


TueFeb 2 0

Trickster Card Program - Euchre

Organized weekly euchre games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost: $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Euchre in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

TueFeb 2 0


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


TueFeb 2 0

Oh Hell Card Game

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Learn & play Oh Hell card game.

Tuesdays at 1:00 pm

$4 Drop-in Fee


TueFeb 2 0

Table Tennis

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


TueFeb 2 0

Games & Lunch

Caledon Village
18313 Hurontario Street, Caledon Village, ON L7K 0X7

Games – 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Lunch served at 12:30 pm

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4 for activities


TueFeb 2 0

Beginner Tai Chi

Small group new to Tai Chi to learn the moves.

Drop-in fee $4


TueFeb 2 0

Dance For Fun

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Classes resume Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Line Dancing format
Latin, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue

Instructor: Faya

Cost: $5 per class

Meet in the Beverley Nurden Room.

WedFeb 2 1

Morning Games Bid Euchre/Wii Games/Rummy O

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


WedFeb 2 1

Knitting Group

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee

Bring your knitting projects or learn how.

WedFeb 2 1


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Available in-person or over the phone.

In-Person — $1 per card
Over the Phone — win virtual money or send in money to win real money

Call 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547 to join over the phone.

For more information, call the Centre at 905-951-6114

WedFeb 2 1

South Asian Social

Southfields Community. Centre
255 Dougall Avenue, Caledon, ON, L7C 3M7

Activities, snacks and games.


WedFeb 2 1

Exercises with Cheryl

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Seniors Fitness Exercise Class
Exercise classes that work on cardio, strength training, balance and stretching/flexibility.

$4 Pay as you go or 10 consecutive classes for $30
Also available on Zoom $2/class.

Please call the Centre to register for Zoom class. Link will be emailed the day of the class.



WedFeb 2 1

Homemade Jam & Song Circle

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Come bring your acoustic instrument and join the jam. Or come listen and sing!

$4 drop-in fee


WedFeb 2 1

Exercises with Sandy

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Senior exercises that include cardio, balance and flexibility.

Cost is $4 per class.

In Hall A.

ThuFeb 2 2


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


ThuFeb 2 2

Seniors Exercise Classes

Margaret Dunn Valleywood
20 Snelcrest Dr, Caledon, ON L7C 1B5

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class


ThuFeb 2 2

Nordic Pole Walking Club

Head Office
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee

Enjoy walking outside around Bolton or in bad weather walk the track at the Wellness Centre.

Call:  905-951-6114




FriFeb 2 3

Euchre Night

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee


FriFeb 2 3

Trickster Card Program - Oh Hell

Weekly organized Oh Hell card games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost:  $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Oh Hell Fridays in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

FriFeb 2 3

High Intensity Exercising with Soraya

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

A great workout and a lot of fun! High-Intensity Cardio and strength geared for Active Seniors.

Now in person and on ZOOM!
Fridays at 9:30 am to 10:30 am

$2 Zoom drop-in fee per class. Must be paid before attending class.
Entrance to Zoom room will be emailed each day of the event.

In-person classes are $4 per class or 10 consecutive classes for $30

You will need:

  • Water
  • A chair without arms
  • Resistance band/hand weights
  • Running Shoes
  • Caledon Seniors Centre Membership



Call:  905-951-6114


You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now) Membership is free.

FriFeb 2 3

Seniors Exercise Classes

15825 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1H4

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!


SatFeb 2 4

Saturday Night Social

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

This is program is on Saturday nights !

Location: At Rotary Place in Bolton
Drop-in fee $4, Bingo fee extra ($1 per card)

Welcome everybody 55 plus!
There’s going to be coffee, tea and snacks. Enjoy some cards, bingo, line dancing; Latin music and international music for your physical and mental health. Hope to see you all there!

MonFeb 2 6

Carpet Bowling

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4.00 Drop in Fee

If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!

Come out and we will teach you how to play!

MonFeb 2 6

Bid Euchre

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


MonFeb 2 6

Wood Carving

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee


MonFeb 2 6

Exercises / Lunch / Games

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Exercises with Sandy – 9:30 to 10:30 am — in-person only

Combination of table and active games before and after lunch

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4

New members are always welcome!


TueFeb 2 7

Trickster Card Program - Euchre

Organized weekly euchre games with members without leaving your home.

Requirements: a computer, iPad or Tablet and internet connection.

Cost: $2 per game
E-transfers (please indicate it is for Trickster Euchre in the Memo or Note section), Debit/Credit or Cash accepted

Call the Centre – 905-951-6114 – to learn and join the fun.

TueFeb 2 7


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


TueFeb 2 7

Oh Hell Card Game

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Learn & play Oh Hell card game.

Tuesdays at 1:00 pm

$4 Drop-in Fee


TueFeb 2 7

Table Tennis

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Drop-in Fee $4


TueFeb 2 7

Games & Lunch

Caledon Village
18313 Hurontario Street, Caledon Village, ON L7K 0X7

Games – 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Lunch served at 12:30 pm

Lunch is $8

Drop-in fee $4 for activities


TueFeb 2 7

Beginner Tai Chi

Small group new to Tai Chi to learn the moves.

Drop-in fee $4


TueFeb 2 7

Dance For Fun

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Classes resume Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Line Dancing format
Latin, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue

Instructor: Faya

Cost: $5 per class

Meet in the Beverley Nurden Room.

WedFeb 2 8

Morning Games Bid Euchre/Wii Games/Rummy O

Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


WedFeb 2 8

Knitting Group

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in Fee

Bring your knitting projects or learn how.

WedFeb 2 8


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Available in-person or over the phone.

In-Person — $1 per card
Over the Phone — win virtual money or send in money to win real money

Call 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547 to join over the phone.

For more information, call the Centre at 905-951-6114

WedFeb 2 8

South Asian Social

Southfields Community. Centre
255 Dougall Avenue, Caledon, ON, L7C 3M7

Activities, snacks and games.


WedFeb 2 8

Exercises with Cheryl

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Seniors Fitness Exercise Class
Exercise classes that work on cardio, strength training, balance and stretching/flexibility.

$4 Pay as you go or 10 consecutive classes for $30
Also available on Zoom $2/class.

Please call the Centre to register for Zoom class. Link will be emailed the day of the class.



WedFeb 2 8

Homemade Jam & Song Circle

Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Come bring your acoustic instrument and join the jam. Or come listen and sing!

$4 drop-in fee


WedFeb 2 8

Book Club

Rotary Place - Bob Smith Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Meets the last Wednesday of each month at 11:00 AM.

For information on how to get the book, call the office at 905-951-6114 or email

Now meeting in-person at 7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2.

Upcoming Books:
Wed. January 29 – “City of the Lost” by Kelley Armstrong
Wed. February 26, 2025 –

WedFeb 2 8

Exercises with Sandy

Hall A
6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East

Senior exercises that include cardio, balance and flexibility.

Cost is $4 per class.

In Hall A.

ThuFeb 2 9


Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

$4 Drop-in fee


ThuFeb 2 9

Seniors Exercise Classes

Margaret Dunn Valleywood
20 Snelcrest Dr, Caledon, ON L7C 1B5

Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Followed by refreshments!
Cost: $4 per class


ThuFeb 2 9

Nordic Pole Walking Club

Head Office
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y2

$4 drop-in fee

Enjoy walking outside around Bolton or in bad weather walk the track at the Wellness Centre.

Call:  905-951-6114




ThuFeb 2 9

Men's Brunch

Rotary Place - Egan Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

Men’s Brunch – Thursday, February 29, 2024
11:00 AM

Location: Rotary Place in Bolton

Enjoy a delicious homemade brunch followed by a presentation.

Speaker: Steve Roud from RBC – “Advice from an industry insider at Canada’s largest financial institution.”

Brunch Menu: Sausage, Bacon, Beans, Scrambled Eggs, Tomato, Mushrooms, Toast, Jam, Peanut Butter

Cost: $11

Call the Centre at 905-951-6114 to purchase your tickets!

Sorry ladies, this is for men only!