Programs & Activities

The Caledon Senior Centre is proud to offer a wide range of both active and relaxed activities suitable for members of various interests and abilities. If you are interested in teaching classes of your favourite hobby let us know. Or if you would like to see a certain activity added we will find out if others are interested and arrange for someone to lead the program. Some of the activities we offer are:

  • Bingo
  • Shuffleboard
  • Ladder ball
  • Puzzles/Games
  • Book Club
  • Computer Courses
  • Singing Group
  • Dance Classes
  • Cards
  • Golf
  • Tai Chi/Qi Gong
  • Guest Speakers
  • Crafts, Art/Woodcarving
  • Dinner/Dancing
  • Bocce/Table Tennis
  • Special Entertainment
  • Fitness Class/Yoga
  • Language Lessons

To review all available events, activities, and programs – click on SHOW FILTERS at the top left of the Calendar. Once you expand this panel, you can scroll through the categories list with your mouse and select specifics on what you are looking for.

Please note all in person events require a $4 drop in fee, unless otherwise specified (8 week programs etc). Contact the office for more details.

You must be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre in order to participate.

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< 2023 >
December 29
  • 29
    December 29, 2023

    High Intensity Exercising with Soraya

    9:30 am-10:30 am
    December 29, 2023
    Rotary Place - Beverley Nurden Room
    7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

    A great workout and a lot of fun! High-Intensity Cardio and strength geared for Active Seniors.

    Now in person and on ZOOM!
    Fridays at 9:30 am to 10:30 am

    $2 Zoom drop-in fee per class. Must be paid before attending class.
    Entrance to Zoom room will be emailed each day of the event.

    In-person classes are $4 per class or 10 consecutive classes for $30

    You will need:

    • Water
    • A chair without arms
    • Resistance band/hand weights
    • Running Shoes
    • Caledon Seniors Centre Membership



    Call:  905-951-6114


    You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now) Membership is free.

    Seniors Exercise Classes

    11:00 am-12:00 pm
    December 29, 2023
    15825 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1H4

    Come and join our Seniors Exercise Class with Liz Glenday!

    Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
    Followed by refreshments!


    Euchre Night

    7:00 pm-9:00 pm
    December 29, 2023
    Rotary Place - Patterson Room
    7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2

    $4 Drop-in Fee