Morning Games Bid Euchre/Wii Games/Rummy O
$4 Drop-in fee
Maybe we can help at the Caledon Seniors Centre! We have an awesome new program where you will be taught the basics with our new Chromebook Laptops.
Our ‘New Chromebook Laptop Lending Program’ allows you to practice in the comfort of your own home at your own speed with tech support provided and access to the internet.
Did you know that we have 10 Chromebooks/Laptops, 5 iPads and 5 Samsung Tablets for learning and loaning with Internet capability?
Made possible by a grant from the Ontario Government and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
$4 Drop-in fee
$4 Drop-in Fee
Bring your knitting projects or learn how.
Available in-person or over the phone.
In-Person — $1 per card
Over the Phone — win virtual money or send in money to win real money
Call 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547 to join over the phone.
For more information, call the Centre at 905-951-6114
Activities, snacks and games.
Seniors Fitness Exercise Class
Exercise classes that work on cardio, strength training, balance and stretching/flexibility.
$4 Pay as you go or 10 consecutive classes for $30
Also available on Zoom $2/class.
Please call the Centre to register for Zoom class. Link will be emailed the day of the class.