Kareoke Sing-a-Long
$3 drop-in fee Bring a list of your favourite songs!
Trickster Euchre Tournament
Trickster Euchre Tournament #4 Date: Friday, January 28, 2022 Time: 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm (approx) Partners drawn from hat Winners: most wins Tie-Breaker: most points Prize: Bragging Rights!!
Travelogue on Zoom
Join us to travel to exciting destinations! We will visit a new location each week! Meeting ID: 712 731 0172 no password
Word Games
Join Ashleigh for a variety of word games. To join, call: 289-401-2935 or toll-free 1-855-458-8547
Carpet Bowling – Phone Gathering –
Meet over the phone and have a visit! Meeting time is 10:00 am to 11:00 am Call: 289-401-2935 or Toll-free: 1-855-458-8547 You need to be a member of the Caledon Seniors Centre (Join Now)