Carpet Bowling
Rotary Place - Patterson Room
7 Rotarian Way, Bolton, ON L7E 1Y2
$4.00 Drop in Fee
If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!
Come out and we will teach you how to play!
$4.00 Drop in Fee
If you like bocci or curling, then this game may be for you!
Come out and we will teach you how to play!
Drop-in Fee $4
$4 drop-in fee
Exercises with Sandy – 9:30 to 10:30 am — in-person only
Combination of table and active games before and after lunch
Lunch is $8
Drop-in fee $4
New members are always welcome!
Join us as we sing-a-long with the stars!
Our singers use the lyrics on YouTube to sing with the famous stars.
They also sing-a-long to a person playing the piano.
If you enjoy singing – this group is for you! Bring along a list of your favourite songs!
$4 Drop-in Fee